KKS, Heavy Equipment Operator, Electrician, Ayurvedic Dispenser, Health Labourer, Work/field Labourer – Naththandiya Pradeshiya Sabha

KKS, Heavy Equipment Operator, Electrician, Ayurvedic Dispenser, Health Labourer, Work/field Labourer - Naththandiya Pradeshiya Sabha

Government Jobs

KKS, Heavy Equipment Operator, Electrician, Ayurvedic Dispenser, Health Labourer, Work/field Labourer – Naththandiya Pradeshiya Sabha
Closing Date: 2018-09-05

Instructions to Applicants :

  • Applications prepared in accordance with the specimen form given to this notification should be sent by registered post or handed over to the address of ”
    Pradeshiya Sabha Naththandiya” on or before 2018.09.05.
  • In the case of applying for more than one post separate applications should be sent for each post.
  • Certified copies of the following certificates should be annexed to the application and original copies should be fumished at the interview:
    I. Certificate of Birth II. National Identity card III. Certificate of Education IV. Certificate of permanent residency (Certificate of Grama Niladhari)
    V. Two certificates of character recently issued (one should be issued by Grama Niladhari) VI. Certificates of professional experience and other qualificationsMethod of Recruitment.
  • Candidates those who have fulfilled basic requirements will only be called for the interview.
  • Recruitment are made upon the recommendations of the interview board. Priority will be given for the candidates those who are already employed on the basis of casual, sunstituted, and contract in this Pradeshiya Sabha.
  • The secretary to the Pradeshiya Sabha Naththandiya reserves the absolute power to delay, alter or cancel this notification while or after these applications are invited.

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Government GazzetteNorth Western Province
Source: Government Gazette (2018.08.17)