Certificate in English courses – South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

DURATION: Certificate in English – 6 months
Diploma in English – 1 year

FOR WHOM 1. Students who are waiting for university entrance 2. Employees of the Public and Private Sectors 3. School Leavers 4. Anyone who is interested in improving English language proficiency

Diploma in English – Rs. 30,000/= (Payable in two (2) installments) Certificate in English – Rs. 20,000/=

Duly filled application form should be sent by registered post on or before 31.10.2018 to:
Assistant Registrar Centre for External Degrees and Professional Learning South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

Closing Date: 2018-10-31

For further details: 067-2052801 Registrar South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

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Source – Sunday Observer(2018.09.30)