Calling Applications for Undergraduate Cadetships, Academic year 2019/2020 – General Sir John Kothalawala Defense University

General Sir John Kothalawala Defense University

Calling Applications for Undergraduate Cadetships, Academic year 2019/2020, KDU – Ratmalana & Southern Campus Suriyawewa

Closing Date: 2019-02-01

Address: “Registrar,
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University,

Duly completed applications sent by post under registered cover should accompany the original copy of a receipt obtained by paying a non-refundable fee of LKR 1,000/- (Sri Lankan Rupees) to any branch of the Bank of Ceylon, in favour of “Vice-Chancellor, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University”to be credited to the Current Account Number ”9405831” of the Bank of Ceylon,Idama Branch, Moratuwa.

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