Management Service Officers (MSO) Limited Exam 2021(2022)

Name List of the Candidates to be Called to the Interview

Limited Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Grade III of the Management Service Officers’ Service 2019 (2021)

Management Service Officer Exam 2021

As per Cabinet decision No. CP/22/1784/605/011-I dated 29.11.2022 received in response to the Cabinet Memorandum No. PA/HRD-03/52/2022 dated 08.11.2022 submitted by the Hon. Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government, Mr. Dinesh Gunawardhana, and the order issued by the letter of the Secretary of the Public Service Commission No. PSC/EST/08-03/05/2022 dated 22.06.2022; it has been decided to call the officers mentioned in the list below for the interview for verification of qualifications for appointment to a post in the Grade III of Management Service Officers’ Service.

02. It is emphasized that having the name included in this results sheet does not necessarily ean that the applicant is qualified to receive an appointment to a post in Grade III of the Management Service Officers’ Service. Applicants whose basic educational qualifications and professional qualifications are confirmed during the interview are to be appointed to a post in Grade III of the Management Service Officers’ Service. The interview will be conducted only to verify qualifications and no marks will be given. This recruitment will be made in terms of the provision of the Management Service Officers’ Service Minute No. 1840/34 dated 11.12.2013, the notification on the above competitive examination published in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 2185 dated 17.07.2020 and the revision of that notification published in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 2194 dated 18.09.2020.

03. Remaining 780 officers will also become eligible for an appointment under the above examination as per the above Cabinet Decision and accordingly, action will be taken to obtain further instructions in this regard from the Public Service Commission in terms of the provisions of the above decision.

Name List of the Candidates to be Called to the Interview



Detailed Name List of the Candidates to be Called to the Interview

Exam Management Service Officer (MSO) Limited Exam
Year 2022
Name List of the Candidates to be Called to the Interview Download PDF
Source : Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government


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