A/L Time Table 2024 O/L Exam Dates Update


GCE A/L Time Table 2023 (2024) New – Doenets.lk

New Update

The schedule of the A-level examination related to this year will be released today. 2023.10.06 Exam Commissioner General Amit Jayasundara said that three lakh 42,883 people have applied for the exam so far.

The examination will be held from 4th to 30th of January and its schedule will be published on the official website of the examination department.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner General of Examinations mentioned that the candidates who are newly applying for the A Level Examination can submit their applications online for a period of 4 days from today and it will end at midnight on the 10th.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner General of Examinations mentioned that the candidates who are newly applying for the A Level Examination can submit their applications online for a period of 4 days from today and it will end at midnight on the 10th.

Previous Update 

Secretary of the Ministry of Education Nihal Ranasinghe states that the final decision of the 2023 General Certificate of Education Advanced level examination will be announced on October 02.

Minister Susil Premajayantha announced in Parliament last week that the G.E.C. Advanced level examination scheduled to be held in 2023 will be postponed.

However, the Minister further said that the revised dates of the examinations will be announced by the Commissioner General of Examinations.

Earlier it was decided to hold the GCE Advanced level examination from November 27 to December 2.

The decision was taken to postpone the examination due to the demands made by the members of the ruling party and the opposition regarding the lack of time for the students to prepare for the examination.

Also Check: A/L Time Table 2023